Prem Pais

TIPS-3, PHRI’s phase 3 of The International Polycap Study, was presented on November 13th at the American Heart Association’s (virtual) 2020, in the live late-breaking science session, “Bending the Curve for CV Disease – Precision or PolyPill?” by PHRI’s Salim Yusuf and co-PI, Prem Pais of St John’s Medical College and Research Institute, India. (Their AHA20 presentation – PDF.) The same day TIPS-3 was published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

The eagerly awaited findings of TIPS-3 received international media coverage in more than 20 countries, including India, Pakistan, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Australia, Nigeria, extensive coverage in the United States (including CNN and The Chicago Sun-Times), the UK, Italy, Germany, France, Romania, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait, Mexico, Canada, and in Nature Reviews Cardiology.

“This is the start of a transformational approach to preventing heart disease,” said Salim Yusuf. “We could save millions of people from experiencing serious heart disease or stroke each year with effective use of the polypill and aspirin.”

For details on TIPS-3 – including the drugs used and study participants – read the press release.


Salim Yusuf gave a recap of the TIPS-3 study presentation on Dec. 10th at the #AHACan20 Canadian Perspective on AHA 2020 Breaking Science. He appears 2:30 minutes into the recording, here:

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