
Around 60 million smokers undergo surgery annually. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. During the surgical period, smoking increases cardiopulmonary and infectious complications, and delays wound healing. Many smokers return to smoking after surgery and few use smoking cessation therapy around the time of surgery.
The PREVENT trial uses a 2×2 factorial randomized controlled trial design to explore:

  • The effect of a smoking-cessation drug (Cytisine) compared to placebo, and
  • Video messaging for behavioural counseling support compared to standard care.

The primary outcome of the vanguard phase is to determine feasibility of recruitment (target: 2 patients/centre/month) and complete follow-up on >90% of trial participants.

For the full trial, the primary objective is to determine, in adults undergoing surgery, the effect of cytisine versus placebo and personalized video messaging to provide behavioural counselling support compared to standard care, on biochemically verified 6-month continuous abstinence at the 6-month post randomization visit.

Study Type

Interventional - Drug and behavioural support through mobile technology

Study Design

Multicentre 2x2 factorial RCT

NO. of Countries

1 (vanguard); 9 (full trial)

NO. of Sites

7 (vanguard); 35 (full)

NO. of Participants

100 (vanguard); 1720 (full)

Study Period

2022 - 2025



PHRI Internal Grant Award

Hamilton Academic Health Sciences Organization (HAHSO)

VitaAid Professional Therapeutics


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