
The HIP ATTACK-2 trial is a multicentre, international, parallel group randomized controlled trial to determine whether accelerated surgery for hip fracture in patients with acute myocardial injury is superior to standard care in reducing death at 90 days after randomization.

The trial will also assess secondary outcomes at 90 days after randomization:

  • Inability to independently walk 3 metres
  • Time to first mobilization (first standing and first full weight bear)
  • Composite and individual assessment of major complications (e.g., mortality, non-fatal myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, and stroke), delirium, length of stay, pain, and quality of life.
Study Type

Interventional - Procedure

Study Design

Multicentre, parallel group RCT

NO. of Countries


NO. of Sites


NO. of Participants


Study Period

2021- 2025



Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

University of Maryland

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