G-CHF: Health-related quality of life and mortality in heart failure: the global congestive heart failure study of 23 000 patients from 40 countries

Circulation - AHA

I Johansson, P Joseph, K Balasubramanian, JJV McMurray, LH Lund, JA Ezekowitz, D Kamath, K Alhabib, A Bayes-Genis, A Budaj, ALL Dans, A Dzudie, JL Probstfield, KAA Fox, KM Karaye, A Makubi, B Fukakusa, K Teo, A Temizhan, T Wittlinger, AP Maggioni, F Lanas, P Lopez-Jaramillo, J Silva-Cardoso, K Sliwa, H Dokainish, A Grinvalds, T McCready, S Yusuf

June 2021

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World Heart Federation roadmap on atrial fibrillation: 2020 update

Global Heart Journal

B Freedman, G Hindricks, A Banerjee, A Baranchuk, CK Ching, X Du, D Fitzsimons, JS Healey, T Ikeda, TCA Lobban, A Mbakwem, C Narasimhan, L Neubeck, P Noseworthy, DM Philbin, FJ Pinto, J Rwebembera, RB Schnabel, JH Svendsen, L Aguinaga, E Arbelo, M Bohm, HA Farhan, FDR Hobbs, A Martinez-Rubio, C Militello, N Naik, JJ Noubiap, P Perel, DJ Pinero, AL Ribeiro, J Stepinska

May 2021

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LAAOS III: Left atrial appendage occlusion during cardiac surgery to prevent stroke

The New England Journal of Medicine

RP Whitlock, EP Belley-Cote, D Paparella, JS Healey, K Brady, M Sharma, W Reents, P Budera, AJ Baddour, P Fila, PJ Devereaux, A Bogachev-Prokophiev, A Boening, KHT Teoh, GI Tagarakis, MS Slaughter, AG Ryse, S McGuinness, M Alings, PP Punjabi, CD Mazer, RJ Folkeringa, A Colli, A Avezum, J Nakamya, K Balasubramanian, J Vincent, P Voisine, A Lamy, S Yusuf, SJ Connolly

May 2021

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HOPE-3: Lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, or both to prevent cardiovascular events: results of 8.7 years of follow-up of Heart Outcomes Evaluation Prevention study participants

European Heart Journal

J Bosch, EM Lonn, J Jung, J Zhu, L Liu, P Lopez-Jaramillo, P Pais, D Xavier, R Diaz, G Dagenais, A Dans, A Avezum, LS Piegas, A Parkhomenko, K Keltai, M Keltai, K Sliwa, C Held, RJG Peters, BS Lewis, P Jansky, K Yusoff, K Khunti, WD Toff, CM Reid, J Varigos, P Joseph, LA Leiter, S Yusuf

May 2021

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