Coming together in-person as an organization used to be a regular occurrence for PHRI: research days, lectureships, symposiums and rounds – not to mention meetings – but of course, the pandemic has yielded few opportunities for networking outside of Zoom.
That made our strategic retreat yesterday all the sweeter for being the first organization-wide event in 3D in more than two years.
PHRI’s senior staff across all our departments and research programs – along with our senior scientists and scientists – got together for a half-day, off-site retreat to catch up on initiatives and discuss how the post-pandemic work-scape might look for us.
PHRI Executive Director Salim Yusuf introduced Marc Jeschke – the incoming VP, Research, Hamilton Health Sciences, at the retreat.
These images of PHRI employees from across departments and study teams – mixed with our senior scientists and scientists – capture some of the excitement of in-person human interaction.