PJ Devereaux
The 2021 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (virtual) involved several PHRI researchers, including the recipient of a prestigious award. On the opening evening (Oct. 20) PHRI Senior Scientist PJ Devereaux received the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Distinguished Lecturer Award in Cardiovascular Sciences.
Over the course of the next two days (Oct. 21 & 22), presentations by PHRI researchers included:
- 10:00-11:115 am EDT – PHRI Senior Scientist Salim Yusuf was a co-presenter and panelist at the CCS/ESC Joint Plenary: Climate and Cardiovascular Medicine.The keynote for that session was the legendary environmental activist and scientist, David Suzuki.
- 11:05-11:50 am EDT – PHRI Scientist Harriet Van Spall co-presented on Bridging the sex and gender gap in cardiovascular research.
- 11:05-11:50 am EDT – PHRI Scientist Richard Whitlock co-presented on Dealing with perioperative catastrophes: how to think like a surgeon.
- 1:35-2:20 pm EDT – PHRI Investigator Emilie Belley-Cote co-presented on Neuroprognostication in the post cardiac arrest patient: A CCS / Canadian Neurocritical Care Society position statement.
Jason Roberts
- 1:35-2:20 pm EDT – PHRI Scientist Jason Roberts co-presented in Cardiogenetics workshop: challenging clinical cases for the cardiologist; then at 4:05 pm EDT on Management of patients with prolonged QT interval.
- 3-4 pm EDT: PJ Devereaux gave the CIHR/CCS Lecture, with panel discussion.
- 3-4 pm EDT – PHRI Scientist Michael McGillion co-chaired the CJC Plenary: Impact of new digital technologies in cardiology.
- 4:05-4:50 pm EDT – PHRI Senior Scientist Sonia Anand co-chaired Implicit bias: Understanding it and developing strategies to reduce its impact.
- 5:20-6:20 pm EDT – Sonia Anand co-chaired Peripheral artery disease: Building the foundation for better patient care.

Eva Lonn
- Oct. 22: 10:00-11:00 am EDT – PHRI Senior Scientist Eva Lonn co-presented on How to optimally manage dyslipidemia and CV risk in 2021: Review of the updated CCS guidelines.
- 3:00-4:00 pm EDT – Sonia Anand was one of the presenters and panelists of the CCS/ACC Joint Plenary: EDI in CV medicine and CV care.