Ten submissions, 111 staff voting – wow, what a great response to our first PHRI Art Challenge! We were all blown away by the variety and quality of the art submitted! Touch choices to be made, but here are the winners (whose work will be proudly displayed in the public atrium of our Hamilton, Ontario offices.)

Team category winner – Approximately Normal – 4.41 stars out of 5

The artistic statement submitted by six members of the Statistics Department at PHRI is truly a work of art in itself; it explains how this remarkable piece of art, 2 feet high x 4 feet wide, came to be. Karleen Schulze, Martin Renters, Kumar Balasubramanian, Tina Guagliano, Kate Tsiplova, Chinthanie Ramasundarahettige, Shofiqul Islam, Nishita Jeyachandradhas, and Shrikant Bangdiwala write:

“The names of every current member of the Department, with lines connecting them to each other displays the fact that the members of the Department are connected to each other, i.e. we are a team.
A double, almost symmetric distribution – approximately Normal (Gaussian, bell-shaped), commonly used in our work, displays the fact that statistical work is based on assumptions that are not always perfectly satisfied. We as people, and our work, is approximately ‘normal’.
The distribution is done in a mirror image (if one drew a horizontal line at the middle of the plot), which implies that our work can be viewed from different perspectives.
The use of Scrabble© tiles in relief implies that everyone is raised above their background, i.e. we strive to go above and beyond.
Each letter in the names is not perfectly aligned – i.e. there is some ‘random variability’ around everything.”

Individual category winner – Destination: 4.47 stars out of 5

Shivali Mahajan, who works in Clinical Data Operations, writes of her winning piece:

To keep moving in life whatever the situation you are in – Destination will not be so far.

An honourable mention goes to Stephanie Warder, Analyst, Financial Services, who came in such a close second with 4.10 out of 5 stars in the Individual category. Her piece, “Light in Darkness” is displayed in the banner at the top of this article, and here.

Stephanie also submitted a painting in the Team category that she created with her… horse! A great story in itself.

We are already being asked by staff about holding future Art Challenges, so you can look for more creativity out of our exceptional workforce!

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