Maura Marcucci
PHRI researchers are presenting at the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) annual meeting this week in New Orleans – discussing recent unpublished and published findings from the POISE-3 trial as well as published work with the VISION cohort.
PHRI Scientist Maura Marcucci presented today on behalf of PJ Devereaux for the tranexamic acid findings (NEJM, 2022) that came out of POISE-3: that TxA reduced life-threatening, major and critical organ bleeding in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery – without increasing major vascular complications.
Tomorrow, Marcucci will present on the perioperative management of blood pressure study that she led within POISE-3 (as yet unpublished) – finding no significant difference in outcomes between hypotension-avoidance strategy versus hypertension-avoidance strategy.
Last week, Marcucci contributed to an episode the Annals [of IM] Consult Guys video series, about her perioperative BP study.
Natriuretic peptides in preop evaluation

Spence and Duceppe
PHRI Investigator Jessica Spence and Associate Investigator Emmanuelle Duceppe, CHUM Research Centre in Montreal, co-presented on “Beyond heart failure: natriuretic peptides in the preoperative evaluation of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery.”
They were both authors on VISION findings in Annals of Internal Medicine showing that preoperative NT-proBNP is strongly associated with vascular death and MINS within 30 days after noncardiac surgery, and improves cardiac risk prediction in addition to the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI).
Marcucci snapped this wonderful photo of a group of gospel singers, with a couple of blues musicians accompanying them, inside the venue of the ANES event – the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana!